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French Are Healthier Than The Brits According To A New Research

French are healthier than the Brits according to a new research  and surprisingly people in France need not to starve themselves to death and spend countless hours in the gyms just to lose significant amount of weight. But What are the underlying causes behind this phenomenon?
In France you get to indulge your palate to a number of delectable cuisines such as wedges filet mignon without worrying about your diet and weight. Many Americans and Brits coming to France are surprised to notice a significant reduction in their weight despite the fact that they frequently indulge themselves to French diet. According to research French are less likely to be diagnosed with heart diseases and other serious health conditions compared to Americans and Brits.

Risk for Heart Diseases

British and French share the same risk level for heart diseases as French are now consuming as much as what the Brits consume according to recent statistical data . However statistics show that incidence of heart diseases in France only accounts for a quarter of the incidence of cardiovascular diseases in the United Kingdom. So How is this possible?

According to researchers the fewer incidences of heart diseases among French today are greatly affected by their lifestyle in the past. Researchers claim that 20-30 years before French people were taking less of animal fat.

Cardiovascular diseases usually take a period of time to develop. Since they observe a healthier lifestyle before compared today then they are less likely to be diagnosed with heart diseases. Researchers predict that in 10-15 years time deaths associated with heart diseases in France will be as high as those in the United Kingdom.

What Is It With The French Diet

Surprisingly France is holding a record for a wide range of delicious great tasting and nutritious foods. Compared to American and British diets French diets are mostly composed of healthy and raw ingredients which are definitely good for the body. So that France is a great place to live life this is perhaps one of the most common reactions from tourists visiting France.

Most French diets exclude large amount of meat and fish are only included three to four times a week. French diet usually contains creams and cheeses but people in France are less likely to gain weight. Also French pastries contain less of sugar. Instead pastries are mostly made with cream and real butter. While most British take a sandwich on their desk while working French people prefer taking a full meal with a glass of wine.

Unlike the Brits French are less likely to take a walk or jog over the weekends. But in spring you can find thousands of French cyclists. From kids to adults cycling is an excellent way to achieve good health. After cycling you can find lots of them heading to village bistros searching for a delicious red wine to drink.

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Will Receive A Software Update Between August 10th And August 13th

NASA’s Curiosity rover will Receive a software update from back home. Between August 10th and August 13th .

The transition to new software was made to make the rover better suited for the tasks ahead including driving and the use of its robotic arm . Both of rover’s redundant main computers will receive the new software which has been uploaded to Curiosity’s memory during the Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft's flight from Earth .

Ben Cichy of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif, chief software engineer for the Mars Science Laboratory mission said : " We designed the mission from the start to be able to upgrade the software as needed for different phases of the mission ." .

The flight software version Curiosity currently is using was really focused on landing the vehicle. It includes many capabilities we just don't need any more.

He continues " It gives us basic capabilities for operating the rover on the surface, but we have planned all along to switch over after landing to a version of flight software that is really optimized for surface operations " .

The software that Curiosity landed on Mars with was meant mainly for the first set of operations the rover performed on the Red Planet such as landing and bringing its scientific gear online .

One of the main capabilities the new software version delivers to the rover is image processing to check for obstacles which should provide it with longer drives through increased autonomy to identify and avoid potential hazards.

Additionally, the new software is meant to facilitate the use of the various tools the rover’s robotic arm has been packed with.

While Curiosity spent its first weekend on Mars transitioning to the new software the team of scientists back home focused on analyzing images received with the rover’s surroundings.

NASA announced "Researchers are discussing which features in the scene to investigate after a few weeks of initial checkouts and observations to assess equipment on the rover and characteristics of the landing site " .